Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Frozen Apple, January 7, 2014 edition

Yep, it was just as cold when I left our apartment this morning as it was when I wrote this poem.  More's the pity I no longer own that woolen suit.  It's a good thing I didn't give away the long, heavy, lined wool skirt my sister-in-law gave me, even though it doesn't match anything else I own, 'cause it was so cold outside that I didn't care what I looked like and I wore it anyway. (In my mismatched clothing, I probably looked like a patchwork quilt, which might have been handy.  :)  )  Current temperature: A balmy 5 degrees Fahrenheit/-15 degrees Celsius.


Blogger Talia bat Pessi said...

It's not even funny how cold it is. I'm just avoiding leaving the house.

Tue Jan 07, 02:23:00 PM 2014  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Lucky you. I'm still a working stiff, and had to show up at the office.

Tue Jan 07, 03:48:00 PM 2014  
Blogger The Reform Baal Teshuvah said...

Yesterday -24f
Today, up to a balmy -11f
Had to be in office both days

Tue Jan 07, 11:41:00 PM 2014  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Good grief! Hope you thaw out soon. I imagine that you're not the only one of my readers from colder climes who finds this post amusing.

Wed Jan 08, 10:54:00 AM 2014  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

It was 6 degrees F in *Atlanta*?! Wow. We're getting "colder climes" where we've rarely had them before.

Wed Jan 08, 12:36:00 PM 2014  
Anonymous Miami Al said...

It's been in the 50s in Florida... which is brutal on our thin blood.

Wed Jan 08, 02:16:00 PM 2014  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

I can understand why 50 degrees would seem brutal to you--folks in Florida don't have central heating, because no one expects the temperature to go below 60 there. Good luck staying warm.

Wed Jan 08, 06:22:00 PM 2014  

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